Flower Remedies
To find out more or book an appointment, contact Julia:
Julia Linfoot Natural Health
Appointment times:
Wednesdays 10am-1pm, Fridays 2am-6pm
Appointments are 45-60 mins
Consultation for an adult: £75
Consultation for a child: £65
These charges include the cost of any remedies
Dr Edward Bach’s flower remedies, especially Rescue Remedy, are known and used all over the world. Many people use Flower Essences to help them cope with life’s challenges, decisions and transitions. There are essences for grief, trauma, loss, disappointment, frustration, impatience, loneliness, indecisiveness, poor concentration, stress, anxiety and tiredness. Essences are suitable for all ages – children can benefit from their use enormously when facing challenges at school or in relationships.
His work developing this beautifully simple system grew from a deep conviction that the root of all illness lay in a disturbance of the mind or emotions – an idea we are now familiar with as stress-related disease. Bach puts it altogether more poetically:
‘Health is our heritage and our right; it is the complete and full union of soul, mind and body, working in harmony’.
Specific emotional states such as ‘fears and worries of unknown origin’ or ‘exhausted but struggling on’ are addressed by particular flower essences which can return us to a more balanced state of mind. The flower remedies can safely be used on their own, in combinations, and alongside other forms of treatment.
Dr Bach developed his remedies to be bought over the counter and used as a form of self-help, but he also recognised that it is sometimes helpful to get advice from someone who knows the remedies well. A Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner, Julia offers consultation on how flower remedies can work for you.

Julia Linfoot RSHom is a Registered Homeopath and has used Flower Essences in her practice for many years. She has completed the Bach Foundation’s course for Homeopaths and now teaches Flower Essences at two Homeopathy Colleges training professional Homeopaths. She can use Flower Essences on their own or alongside Homeopathic treatment.